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Gum Grafting Procedure | Gum Surgery NYC Periodontist

A gum graft is a dental gum surgery used to treat the consequences of gum recession. If receding gums are left untreated, it could ultimately lead to tooth loss. During the gum grafting surgery in NYC, your lost gum tissues will be restored.

Periodontist Dr. Rahmani is nationally recognized as America’s Top Periodontist, one of the best periodontist in the region. He is an award-winning expert and contributor to prominent media outlets. Dr. Rahmani provides a full range of periodontal procedures including gum graft surgery to treat conditions as a result of moderate or severe periodontal disease.

What Is a Gum Graft?

Gum graft is a plastic periodontal surgery performed to treat the condition of receding gums due to moderate or more severe periodontal disease. Gum grafting can be carried out on gums that have receded, and while it may improve the appearance of a smile to even the size of teeth, more importantly it restores the support and protection that teeth need while preventing (can also protect your teeth against the effects of) further gum recession. Gum recession can be mild, moderate or severe and the sooner you treat it the greater the outcome.

What Is a Gum Graft #1
What Is a Gum Graft #2

What Is Gum Recession?

Gum recession occurs when you lose gum tissue around your teeth. Usually, healthy gums fit snugly around teeth, helping to protect them and creating an attractive smile. Receding gums result in more of the tooth being visible to the point that you may even see the roots. This can cause damage to the bone surrounding the tooth. As the tooth roots are exposed, they can feel more sensitive and could become decayed.

What Is the Cause of Gum Recession?

Top 3 reasons for gum recession:

  • Bacterial induced. Plaque and calculus grows under the gums in the pocket around the root and the body (immune system) has an inflammatory reaction to try to clean it, but it can’t and as result you have gum recession. This is the most common cause of gum recession in the population and very easy to treat in one visit. The affected area tends to have very tender gums, bleeding, pain and sensitivity when you try to brush the area.
    Clinical presentation of bacterial induced gum recession - #1 Cause of Gum Recession
    Clinical presentation of bacterial induced gum recession – #1 Cause of Gum Recession
  • Tooth position in the jaw bone. When teeth start shifting due to spacing, crowding, or rotation of teeth, the root shifts out to the jaw bone and causes gum recession. These patients usually don’t have tenderness or bleeding but they are sensitive.
    Clinical presentation of tooth shifting out of the jaw bone - #2 Cause of Gum Recession
    Clinical presentation of tooth shifting out of the jaw bone – #2 Cause of Gum Recession
  • Genetics. These are patients that have severe gum recession throughout their mouth and it progressively gets worse with time. They have no sensitivity and most of the time they have notches in their teeth. This is as a result of occlusion which is your bite. It’s very important to cover the roots and provide more support to slow or stop the progression of gum loss.
    Clinical presentation of genetically predisposed gum recession - #3 Cause of Gum Recession
    Clinical presentation of genetically predisposed gum recession – #3 Cause of Gum Recession

Lots of people have some degree of receding gums as it is often a side effect of advanced gum disease or periodontal disease. Many people don’t even realize that their gums have receded as it is a gradual process.

Over time the teeth can begin to look longer, and they may begin to feel more sensitive particularly when eating hot and cold foods.

It is important to treat substantial gum recession as otherwise, it could eventually lead to tooth loss, and the gum graft surgery we perform in our Midtown Manhattan, NYC office can help restore lost tissues.

Gum Graft Surgery in NYC

What should you expect from gum graft surgery? Initially, your gums will need to be properly assessed by a periodontist. If you have signs of active gum disease, you will require treatment to restore gum health. Afterward, your periodontist can discuss suitable types of gum grafting surgery. There are several different types of gum grafts, depending on your specific needs. Your options can include:

Connective Tissue Graft – The Gold Standered

Connective tissue graft is used to treat exposed tooth roots. During this gum surgery procedure, a small incision is made on the roof of your mouth, so some of the tissue underneath the top layer can be removed. This tissue is called subepithelial connective tissue and is subsequently stitched in place around the exposed tooth root. The flap in the roof of the mouth is then stitched down. The donor site completely regenerates and heals very fast to its original thickness, to the point that if more grafting is needed in the future, we can harvest more tissue from the same area. The advantage of connective tissue graft is that it has a perfect color match with your gums, the success rate is extremely high and predictable with great long term stability. Disadvantage: the donor tissue comes from the roof of the mouth. However, if the graft is harvested properly there is rarely any complication, and the healing is very fast.

This is our most widely used graft as the results and success rates are very good.

Free Gingival Graft

Free gingival grafts are quite similar and use tissue from the roof of the mouth. However, instead of creating a flap, a small piece of tissue is removed directly from the roof of the mouth and is used to cover up the exposed tooth area being treated. This gum surgery NYC procedure might be recommended if your gum tissue is already quite thin, as the graft can help build up the gums in this area. This graft is also great to create a deeper vestibule which is the space between the soft tissue (lips and cheeks), and the gums.

Pedicle Graft

Pedicle grafts are grafted from the gums near the affected tooth. A flap of tissue is partially cut away but remains attached at one edge. It is then pulled into position so it covers up the exposed tooth root and is firmly stitched in position. This procedure is only suitable for people who have plenty of available gum tissue near the exposed tooth.


An allograft is an artificial gum tissue graft which is highly effective. Our dentist will place the artificial graft, which is like a matrix, into the area that needs repairing. The matrix creates a strong biological framework that enables the gums to begin repairing themselves by promoting the growth of brand new tissue cells. This is because the matrix contains sophisticated growth agents that draw stem cells from the bone marrow to the graft site, creating the right environment for tissue regeneration.

The regeneration process restores the tissue to its original condition, so it functions and feels like proper gum tissue, and has the full elasticity and resilience associated with healthy tissue. This is quite different from scar tissue created in response to an injury, which does not have the appearance and elasticity associated with normal tissue. As the new gum tissue grows, the original matrix is gradually absorbed into the gums, becoming part of the newly created tissue. this is good graft for patients who need to cover many teeth > 5 or need to thicken their tissue biotype.

Does Gum Grafting Hurt?

During the gum grafting surgery, your NYC periodontist will make sure you receive plenty of local anesthetic to make the procedure painless, or if needed you can opt for sedation dentistry to help ensure you feel entirely comfortable.

Following a gum graft surgery, the amount of discomfort the patient will feel largely depends on how many teeth were covered and the extent of the coverage, small recession vs large recession. You should feel little to no pain at all. Your NYC periodontist performs all the soft tissue graft with micro surgical instruments which results in less trauma and faster postoperative recovery. Plastic surgery needles and suture are used to aid in faster healing.

Emdogain Straumann

Emdogain StraumannStraumann® Emdogain® is enamel matrix derivative. This mixture of natural proteins can induce biological processes. By modulating the wound healing process, Emdogain® induces the regeneration of a functional attachment in periodontal procedures as evidenced by human histological data. It also improves and upregulates wound healing. Your NYC periodontist uses emdogain in most if not all soft tissue procedures to ensure faster healing and proper tissue to root attachment coverage.

Gum Graft Recovery Instructions

Gum graft recovery time is usually quick, taking one to two weeks for your mouth to fully heal. We will give you precise instructions on how to look after the area being treated.

  • You shouldn’t brush or floss around the gum line that was treated until the area has healed.
  • During this time you will keep your mouth clean using a special mouthwash that helps control plaque during the healing process.
  • We might also prescribe antibiotics to help reduce the risk of infection.
  • What can you eat after a gum graft? It’s best to stick to soft foods for a week or two after treatment and to avoid eating anything too hot. The source of the gum tissue graft in your mouth should heal relatively quickly, and any discomfort can generally be controlled with prescription pain medication and anti-inflammatory medication.
  • You should be able to return to work a day or so after gum graft surgery.

How Much Does a Gum Graft Cost?

Gum grafting surgery cost largely depends on the type of gum surgery needed and the extent of the gum recession.

Is Gum Grafting Covered by Insurance?

People with dental insurance may be able to get all or part of the NYC gum graft surgery covered by their insurers.

Gum grafts can be extremely effective when used as receding gums treatment, but it is important to look after your gums in the future. This will help prevent further damage and will reduce the likelihood of needing another gum graft.

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Gum Graft Surgery

Do you have questions about Gum Grafting in NYC? Would like to find out more about gum graft cost or to schedule an appointment with the best rated NYC periodontist and dental specialist, Dr. Rahmani of Manhattan Periodontics & Implant Surgery? Please contact our office for a Manhattan Gum Graft Surgery treatment consultation.

Page Updated on Mar 19, 2024 by Dr. Rahmani (Implant Dentist) of Manhattan Periodontics & Implant Dentistry


With NYC periodontist dentistry could be painless.

Latest Manhattan Periodontics and Implant Dentistry procedures including crown lengthening, gum graft, laser gum treatment in the heart of Midtown Manhattan, NYC. We offer periodontal treatments to patients from around the New York City area, NYC tourists, and from all over the United States.

Do you have any questions for New York periodontist Dr. Rahmani? Would you like to schedule an appointment with an internationally recognized, best rated NYC periodontist please contact our Midtown office for consultation.

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